CAHB 2019
Bill # CommentsPositionCalendar NotificationBill TitleShort TitleSponsorsMost Recent StatusFiscal NoteDate IntroducedAmendment LinkBill Version
HB19-1003 Monitor NOT ON CALENDARConcerning community solar gardens. Community Solar Gardens Modernization Act C. Hansen (D) | A. Valdez (D) / M. Foote | T. Story (D) 5/30/2019 Governor Signed

Fiscal Note 

2019-01-04 AmendmentsSigned Act 
HB19-1006 Support NOT ON CALENDARConcerning measures to mitigate the effects of wildfires within wildland-urban interface areas, and, in connection therewith, clarifying the legislative intent that state funding of the existing forest restoration and wildfire risk mitigation grant program be increased and making an appropriation. Wildfire Mitigation Wildland-urban Interface Areas B. McLachlan | T. Carver / R. Fields  5/31/2019 Governor Signed

Fiscal Note 

2019-01-04 AmendmentsSigned Act 
HB19-1008 Support NOT ON CALENDARConcerning the provision of grants for career and technical education capital construction through the "Building Excellent Schools Today Act". Include Career And Technical Education In Building Excellent Schools Today Program T. Kraft-Tharp | C. Larson / N. Todd | P. Lundeen (R) 3/7/2019 Governor Signed

Fiscal Note 

2019-01-04 AmendmentsSigned Act 
HB19-1025 Neutral NOT ON CALENDARConcerning the timing of an inquiry into a job applicant's criminal history, and, in connection therewith, making an appropriation. Limits On Job Applicant Criminal History Inquiries J. Melton | L. Herod / M. Foote | R. Rodriguez (D) 5/31/2019 Governor Became Law

Fiscal Note 

2019-01-04 AmendmentsSigned Act 
HB19-1035 Monitor NOT ON CALENDARConcerning an increase in the flexibility to set fees for electrical inspections that are not conducted by the state. Remove Fee Cap Electrical Inspection Local Government Higher Education J. Rich (R) | D. Roberts (D) / R. Woodward | J. Ginal  4/10/2019 Governor Signed

Fiscal Note 

2019-01-04 AmendmentsSigned Act 
HB19-1037 Monitor NOT ON CALENDARConcerning energy asset management, and, in connection therewith, authorizing the issuance of low-cost ratepayer-backed bonds and creating the Colorado energy impact assistance authority to mitigate the impacts of power plant retirements on Colorado workers and communities. Colorado Energy Impact Assistance Act C. Hansen (D) | D. Esgar / K. Donovan  4/25/2019 Senate Committee on Transportation & Energy Postpone Indefinitely

Fiscal Note 

2019-01-04 AmendmentsReengrossed 
HB19-1040 Monitor NOT ON CALENDARConcerning establishing a continuing education requirement for professional land surveyors. Professional Land Surveyors Continuing Education D. Valdez / K. Donovan | D. Coram  1/30/2019 House Committee on Business Affairs & Labor Postpone Indefinitely

Fiscal Note 

2019-01-04 No amendments foundIntroduced 
HB19-1047 Monitor NOT ON CALENDARConcerning the authority of a metropolitan district to levy a sales tax for the purpose of providing fire protection in the areas of the district in which the tax is levied. Metropolitan District Fire Protection Sales Tax B. Buentello / J. Danielson (D) | L. Garcia (D) 3/21/2019 Governor Signed

Fiscal Note 

2019-01-04 No amendments foundSigned Act 
HB19-1050 Monitor NOT ON CALENDARConcerning the promotion of water-efficient landscaping on property subject to management by local supervisory entities. Encourage Use Of Xeriscape In Common Areas B. Titone (D) / K. Priola | F. Winter (D) 3/7/2019 Governor Signed

Fiscal Note 

2019-01-04 AmendmentsSigned Act 
HB19-1052 Monitor NOT ON CALENDARConcerning the creation of special districts to provide early childhood development services. Early Childhood Development Special District J. McCluskie (D) | J. Rich (R) / B. Rankin | J. Bridges (D) 4/3/2019 Governor Signed

Fiscal Note 

2019-01-04 No amendments foundSigned Act 
HB19-1071 Monitor NOT ON CALENDARconcerning the manner in which watercourses of the district are used for waste disposal. Colorado Department Of Public Health And Environment Water Quality Control H. McKean / R. Zenzinger  3/7/2019 Governor Signed

Fiscal Note 

2019-01-11 No amendments foundSigned Act 
HB19-1075 Support NOT ON CALENDARConcerning the creation of a credit against the state income tax as a pilot program to promote employer-assisted housing projects in rural areas. Tax Credit Employer-assisted Housing Pilot Program J. Wilson  5/9/2019 House Committee on Appropriations Lay Over Unamended - Amendment(s) Failed

Fiscal Note 

2019-01-11 AmendmentsIntroduced 
HB19-1082 Monitor NOT ON CALENDARConcerning the rights of a water rights easement holder. Water Rights Easements M. Catlin (R) | D. Valdez / D. Coram  3/28/2019 Governor Signed

Fiscal Note 

2019-01-11 AmendmentsSigned Act 
HB19-1084 Monitor NOT ON CALENDARConcerning a requirement that notice of a determination on whether a particular land area is blighted be given to owners of private property within the area. Notice To Property Owners Whether Area Blighted M. Gray / R. Zenzinger  3/21/2019 Governor Signed

Fiscal Note 

2019-01-14 AmendmentsSigned Act 
HB19-1086Unless amended substantially. Amended on 3-6-19, GAC on 3-8-19. Monitor NOT ON CALENDARConcerning the conduct of plumbing inspections to ensure compliance with the plumbing law. Plumbing Inspections Ensure Compliance M. Duran (D) / B. Pettersen  4/16/2019 Governor Signed

Fiscal Note 

2019-01-14 AmendmentsSigned Act 
HB19-1091 Monitor NOT ON CALENDARConcerning conservation easement transparency. Conservation Easement Transparency K. Lewis  2/4/2019 House Committee on Rural Affairs & Agriculture Postpone Indefinitely

Fiscal Note 

2019-01-14 No amendments foundIntroduced 
HB19-1096 Monitor NOT ON CALENDARConcerning the creation of the "Colorado Right to Rest Act". Colorado Right To Rest J. Melton  2/26/2019 House Committee on Transportation & Local Government Postpone Indefinitely

Fiscal Note 

2019-01-14 No amendments foundIntroduced 
HB19-1098 Monitor NOT ON CALENDARConcerning deeds for the conveyance of real property, and, in connection therewith, establishing requirements for title insurance entities that prepare deeds and establishing forms for the preparation of deeds in certain circumstances. Deeds To Convey Real Property M. Gray / P. Lee  3/7/2019 Governor Signed

Fiscal Note 

2019-01-14 AmendmentsSigned Act 
HB19-1106 Oppose NOT ON CALENDARConcerning the rental application process for prospective tenants. Rental Application Fees B. Titone (D) | S. Gonzales-Gutierrez / B. Pettersen  4/25/2019 Governor Signed

Fiscal Note 

2019-01-14 AmendmentsSigned Act 
HB19-1108 Oppose NOT ON CALENDARConcerning measures to expand the ability of nonresident electors to participate in the governance of special districts, and, in connection therewith, allowing nonresident electors who own taxable property within the special district to vote in special district elections and allowing such electors to serve on special district boards in a nonvoting capacity. Nonresident Electors And Special Districts L. Liston (R) | E. Hooton / J. Tate  3/6/2019 Senate Committee on State, Veterans, & Military Affairs Postpone Indefinitely

Fiscal Note 

2019-01-14 AmendmentsReengrossed 
HB19-1118Talk with Apartment Association re changing time period to 7 days. Oppose NOT ON CALENDARConcerning the time allowed for a tenant to cure a lease violation that is not a substantial violation. Time Period To Cure Lease Violation D. Jackson | R. Galindo / A. Williams  5/21/2019 Signed by Governor

Fiscal Note 

2019-01-16 AmendmentsSigned Act 
HB19-1135 Support NOT ON CALENDARConcerning a clarification that the income tax credit for retrofitting a residence to increase a residence's accessibility is available for changes made to a residence that benefit a qualified individual's dependent. Clarify Income Tax Credit For Retrofitting A Home M. Gray / J. Tate | F. Winter (D) 4/12/2019 Governor Signed

Fiscal Note 

2019-01-25 AmendmentsSigned Act 
HB19-1167 Monitor NOT ON CALENDARConcerning an authorization for notaries public to perform notarial acts using audio-video communication. Remote Notaries Protect Privacy M. Duran (D) | T. Carver / R. Rodriguez (D) | C. Holbert  4/29/2019 Senate Second Reading Laid Over Daily - No Amendments

Fiscal Note 

2019-01-30 AmendmentsReengrossed 
HB19-1170Oppose unless amended heavily. Follow Apartment Association lead. Oppose NOT ON CALENDARConcerning increasing tenant protections relating to the residential warranty of habitability. Residential Tenants Health And Safety Act D. Jackson | M. Weissman (D) / A. Williams | J. Bridges (D) 5/21/2019 Signed by Governor

Fiscal Note 

2019-02-05 AmendmentsConference Committee 
HB19-1172 Monitor NOT ON CALENDARConcerning an organizational recodification of title 12 of the Colorado Revised Statutes, and, in connection therewith, limiting substantive changes to those that conform similar provisions to achieve uniformity, eliminate redundancy, or allow for the consolidation of common provisions or that eliminate provisions that are archaic or obsolete. Title 12 Recodification And Reorganization M. Weissman (D) / B. Gardner | J. Cooke  4/25/2019 Governor Signed

Fiscal Note 

2019-02-07 AmendmentsSigned Act 
HB19-1175 Monitor NOT ON CALENDARConcerning the property tax valuation appeal process. Property Tax Valuation Appeal Process M. Gray / J. Gonzales (D) 3/21/2019 Governor Signed

Fiscal Note 

2019-02-07 No amendments foundSigned Act 
HB19-1200 Monitor NOT ON CALENDARConcerning the point of compliance related to the treatment process involved in treating reclaimed domestic wastewater for indoor nonpotable uses within a building where the general public can access plumbing fixtures that are used to deliver the reclaimed domestic wastewater. Reclaimed Domestic Wastewater Point Of Compliance J. Arndt / J. Bridges (D) | D. Coram  4/4/2019 Governor Signed

Fiscal Note 

2019-02-21 AmendmentsSigned Act 
HB19-1210Limit to business domicile. Amend NOT ON CALENDARConcerning the repeal of the prohibitions on a local government establishing minimum wage laws within its jurisdiction. Local Government Minimum Wage J. Melton | R. Galindo / J. Danielson (D) | D. Moreno  5/28/2019 Governor Signed

Fiscal Note 

2019-02-25 AmendmentsSigned Act 
HB19-1212 Monitor Friday, May 3 2019
(1) in senate calendar.  
Concerning the recreation of the community association manager licensing program. Recreate Homeowners' Association Community Manager Licensing B. Titone (D) | M. Duran (D) / R. Fields | N. Todd  5/31/2019 Governor Vetoed

Fiscal Note 

2019-02-25 AmendmentsSigned Act 
HB19-1228 Support NOT ON CALENDARConcerning an increase in the aggregate amount of the tax credits that the Colorado housing and finance authority may allocate in a calendar year under the Colorado affordable housing tax credit. Increase Tax Credit Allocation Affordable Housing S. Bird (D) | B. Titone (D) / R. Zenzinger | J. Tate  5/17/2019 Governor Signed

Fiscal Note 

2019-03-08 No amendments foundSigned Act 
HB19-1231Oppose unless amended to remove the installation language from the bill. Amend NOT ON CALENDARConcerning efficiency standards for equipment sold in Colorado, and, in connection therewith, requiring certain appliances, plumbing fixtures, and other products sold for residential or commercial use to meet energy efficiency and water efficiency standards. New Appliance Energy And Water Efficiency Standards M. Froelich (D) | C. Kipp (D) / P. Lee | K. Priola  5/30/2019 Governor Signed

Fiscal Note 

2019-03-08 AmendmentsSigned Act 
HB19-1238 Monitor NOT ON CALENDARConcerning the authority of the division of housing to regulate factory-built structures. Clarification Of Manufactured Housing Standards M. Gray | K. Van Winkle (R) / F. Winter (D) | K. Priola  4/25/2019 Governor Signed

Fiscal Note 

2019-03-12 No amendments foundSigned Act 
HB19-1239 Support NOT ON CALENDARConcerning the promotion of an accurate count in the decennial census by creating a census outreach program, and, in connection therewith, making an appropriation. Census Outreach Grant Program K. Tipper | Y. Caraveo / K. Priola | F. Winter (D) 5/23/2019 Governor Signed

Fiscal Note 

2019-03-12 AmendmentsSigned Act 
HB19-1245Supportive of the concept, but would like to see an amendment(s) to increase the percentage to the 60-80 percent range. Amend NOT ON CALENDARConcerning an increase in affordable housing funding from increased state sales tax revenue that results from a modification to the state sales tax vendor fee, and, in connection therewith, enacting the "Affordable Housing Act of 2019" and making an appropriation. Affordable Housing Funding From Vendor Fee Changes M. Weissman (D) / J. Gonzales (D) | M. Foote  5/17/2019 Governor Signed

Fiscal Note 

2019-03-15 AmendmentsSigned Act 
HB19-1257 Support NOT ON CALENDARConcerning authority for the state to keep and spend all of the revenue in excess of the constitutional limitation on state fiscal year spending beginning with the 2019-20 fiscal year in order to provide funding for public schools, higher education, and roads, bridges, and transit. Voter Approval To Retain Revenue For Ed & Transp K. Becker | J. McCluskie (D) / L. Court | K. Priola  6/5/2019 Sent to the Governor

Fiscal Note 

2019-03-20 AmendmentsSigned Act 
HB19-1258 Support NOT ON CALENDARConcerning the allocation of money that the state keeps and spends as a result of a voter-approved revenue change at the 2019 statewide election. Allocate Voter-approved Revenue For Education & Transportation K. Becker | J. McCluskie (D) / L. Court | K. Priola  6/3/2019 Governor Signed

Fiscal Note 

2019-03-20 AmendmentsSigned Act 
HB19-1260Question for the sponsor is does this create a statewide energy code? Monitor NOT ON CALENDARConcerning an update to the minimum energy code for the construction of buildings. Building Energy Codes C. Kipp (D) | A. Valdez (D) / F. Winter (D) | K. Priola  5/30/2019 Governor Signed

Fiscal Note 

2019-03-20 No amendments foundSigned Act 
HB19-1267  NOT ON CALENDARConcerning criminal offenses for failure to pay wages, and, in connection therewith, implementing recommendations from the Colorado human trafficking council. Penalties For Failure To Pay Wages J. Singer | M. Froelich (D) / J. Danielson (D) | R. Rodriguez (D) 5/16/2019 Governor Signed

Fiscal Note 

2019-03-25 AmendmentsSigned Act 
HB19-1272  NOT ON CALENDARConcerning housing authority participation in the Colorado new energy improvement district program. Housing Authority Property In Colorado New Energy Improvement District S. Bird (D) / F. Winter (D) | K. Priola  5/30/2019 Governor Signed

Fiscal Note 

2019-03-25 AmendmentsSigned Act 
HB19-1274 Support NOT ON CALENDARConcerning the ability of the boards of county commissioners to delegate to county administrative officials certain land use determinations affecting subdivision platting. Board County Commissioners Delegation Subdivision Platting M. Snyder (R) / D. Hisey  5/31/2019 Governor Signed

Fiscal Note 

2019-03-26 AmendmentsSigned Act 
HB19-1283 Monitor NOT ON CALENDARconcerning insurance policies, and, in connection therewith, making an appropriation. Disclosure Of Insurance Liability Coverage D. Roberts (D) / R. Rodriguez (D) 5/22/2019 Governor Signed

Fiscal Note 

2019-03-29 AmendmentsSigned Act 
HB19-1289Unless significantly amended Oppose NOT ON CALENDARConcerning the creation of additional protections in the Colorado consumer code, and, in connection therewith, enabling enforcement of the "Colorado Consumer Protection Act" for reckless acts. Consumer Protection Act M. Weissman (D) / M. Foote | J. Gonzales (D) 5/23/2019 Governor Signed

Fiscal Note 

2019-03-29 AmendmentsSigned Act 
HB19-1294  NOT ON CALENDARConcerning a requirement that the chief administrative officer of the Colorado community college system create a working group to determine the best manner in which to facilitate the transfer of earned construction industry registered apprenticeship program credit to college credit, and, in connection therewith, making an appropriation. Transfer Apprenticeship Credit To College Credit A. Benavidez | S. Jaquez Lewis (D) / T. Story (D) 5/28/2019 Governor Signed

Fiscal Note 

2019-04-01 AmendmentsSigned Act 
HB19-1319 Support NOT ON CALENDARConcerning incentives to assist land developers in providing affordable housing statewide, and, in connection therewith, identifying nondeveloped land owned by the state that could be developed for affordable housing purposes and making modifications to the administration of an existing property tax exemption that applies to certain affordable housing developments. Incentives Developers Facilitate Affordable Housing S. Bird (D) | H. McKean / F. Winter (D) | D. Hisey  5/17/2019 Governor Signed

Fiscal Note 

2019-04-08 AmendmentsSigned Act 
HB19-1322 Support Friday, May 3 2019
(1) in senate calendar.  
Concerning the use of money from certain state funds to expand the supply of affordable housing statewide. Expand Supply Affordable Housing D. Roberts (D) | P. Will / D. Moreno | D. Coram  5/17/2019 Governor Signed

Fiscal Note 

2019-04-13 AmendmentsSigned Act 
SB19-006 Monitor NOT ON CALENDARConcerning an electronic sales and use tax simplification system, and, in connection therewith, requiring the office of information technology to conduct a sourcing method for the development of the system and requiring the department of revenue to establish the implementation of the system for the acceptance of returns and processing of payments for the sales and use tax levied by the state and any local taxing jurisdictions, and making an appropriation. Electronic Sales And Use Tax Simplification System A. Williams / T. Kraft-Tharp | K. Van Winkle (R) 4/12/2019 Governor Signed

Fiscal Note 

2019-01-04 AmendmentsSigned Act 
SB19-037 Monitor NOT ON CALENDARConcerning measures to mitigate wildfires, and, in connection therewith, permitting county personnel to enter land owned by the federal or state government to remove wildfire fuel sources and appropriating money for the use of the forest restoration and wildfire risk mitigation grant program. Wildfire Mitigation R. Woodward  1/28/2019 Senate Committee on State, Veterans, & Military Affairs Postpone Indefinitely

Fiscal Note 

2019-01-04 No amendments foundIntroduced 
SB19-040 Monitor NOT ON CALENDARConcerning the establishment of the Colorado fire commission, and, in connection therewith, making an appropriation. Establish Colorado Fire Commission D. Hisey | R. Fields / T. Carver | D. Roberts (D) 12/26/2019 Introduced In Senate - Assigned to

Fiscal Note 

2019-01-03 AmendmentsSigned Act 
SB19-047 Support NOT ON CALENDARConcerning removal of unauthorized persons from vacant land. Remove Unauthorized Persons From Vacant Land D. Hisey / B. Buentello  2/5/2019 Senate Committee on Local Government Postpone Indefinitely

Fiscal Note 

2019-01-08 No amendments foundIntroduced 
SB19-051 Monitor NOT ON CALENDARConcerning the dedication of additional general fund money to fund transportation needs. Increase General Fund Funding For Transportation R. Scott | J. Cooke  4/25/2019 Senate Committee on Transportation & Energy Postpone Indefinitely

Fiscal Note 

2019-01-08 No amendments foundIntroduced 
SB19-084Look for competing bill. Monitor NOT ON CALENDARConcerning an authorization of remote notarization, and, in connection therewith, enacting the 2018 amendments to the "Revised Uniform Law on Notarial Acts". Revised Uniform Law Remote Notarization B. Gardner  1/30/2019 Senate Committee on State, Veterans, & Military Affairs Postpone Indefinitely

Fiscal Note 

2019-01-16 No amendments foundIntroduced 
SB19-085 Monitor NOT ON CALENDARConcerning the creation of the "Equal Pay for Equal Work Act" in order to implement measures to prevent pay disparities. Equal Pay For Equal Work Act J. Danielson (D) | B. Pettersen / J. Buckner (D) | S. Gonzales-Gutierrez  5/22/2019 Governor Signed

Fiscal Note 

2019-01-17 AmendmentsSigned Act 
SB19-096 Monitor Friday, May 3 2019
(2) in house calendar.  
Concerning the collection of greenhouse gas emissions data to facilitate the implementation of measures that would most cost-effectively allow the state to meet its greenhouse gas emissions reduction goals, and, in connection therewith, making an appropriation. Collect Long-term Climate Change Data K. Donovan / C. Hansen (D) 5/30/2019 Governor Signed

Fiscal Note 

2019-01-24 AmendmentsSigned Act 
SB19-107 Oppose NOT ON CALENDARConcerning the installation of broadband internet service infrastructure. Broadband Infrastructure Installation K. Donovan / D. Roberts (D) 6/3/2019 Governor Signed

Fiscal Note 

2019-01-29 AmendmentsSigned Act 
SB19-109Learn more.  NOT ON CALENDARConcerning adjustments to limitations on damages to reflect the effects of inflation. Adjust Damages Limitations For Inflation S. Fenberg / A. Garnett  4/8/2019 Governor Signed

Fiscal Note 

2019-01-31 No amendments foundSigned Act 
SB19-130 Monitor NOT ON CALENDARConcerning sales tax administration, and, in connection therewith, simplifying the collection of sales tax by retailers without physical presence and reversing the department of revenue's destination sourcing rule for Colorado retailers. Sales Tax Administration B. Gardner / J. Rich (R) | C. Larson  2/12/2019 Senate Committee on Finance Postpone Indefinitely

Fiscal Note 

2019-02-05 No amendments foundIntroduced 
SB19-131 Monitor NOT ON CALENDARConcerning an exemption for certain businesses from the destination sourcing rule for sales tax collection requirements. Exempt Certain Businesses From Destination Sourcing Rule R. Woodward / K. Van Winkle (R) | J. Arndt  2/19/2019 Senate Committee on Finance Postpone Indefinitely

Fiscal Note 

2019-02-05 No amendments foundIntroduced 
SB19-138 Amend NOT ON CALENDARConcerning bonding requirements for contractors that are a party to certain public-private initiatives. Bond Requirements For Public Projects Using Private Financing F. Winter (D) | K. Priola / S. Bird (D) 4/16/2019 Governor Signed

Fiscal Note 

2019-02-12 AmendmentsSigned Act 
SB19-156 Amend NOT ON CALENDARConcerning the continuation of the state electrical board, and, in connection therewith, implementing the recommendations contained in the 2018 sunset report by the department of regulatory agencies. Sunset State Electrical Board R. Rodriguez (D) / T. Sullivan (D) 5/29/2019 Governor Signed

Fiscal Note 

2019-02-21 AmendmentsSigned Act 
SB19-181 Oppose NOT ON CALENDARConcerning additional public welfare protections regarding the conduct of oil and gas operations, and, in connection therewith, making an appropriation. Protect Public Welfare Oil And Gas Operations S. Fenberg | M. Foote / K. Becker | Y. Caraveo  4/16/2019 Governor Signed

Fiscal Note 

2019-03-01 AmendmentsSigned Act 
SB19-188Sign on with business coalition. Oppose NOT ON CALENDARConcerning the creation of a family and medical leave insurance program, and, in connection therewith, creating an implementation plan for a family and medical leave insurance program and making an appropriation. FAMLI Family Medical Leave Insurance Program F. Winter (D) | A. Williams / M. Gray | M. Duran (D) 5/30/2019 Governor Signed

Fiscal Note 

2019-03-07 AmendmentsSigned Act 
SB19-225 Oppose NOT ON CALENDARConcerning the ability of local governments to stabilize rents on private residential property. Authorize Local Governments To Stabilize Rent J. Gonzales (D) | R. Rodriguez (D) / S. Lontine | S. Gonzales-Gutierrez  4/30/2019 Senate Second Reading Laid Over to 05/02/2019 - No Amendments

Fiscal Note 

2019-04-02 AmendmentsIntroduced 
SB19-226 Monitor NOT ON CALENDARConcerning the ability of county governments to establish voluntary housing agreement programs in the unincorporated areas of a county. Voluntary Housing Agreements Unincorporated Areas F. Winter (D) / Y. Caraveo  4/9/2019 Senate Committee on Local Government Postpone Indefinitely

Fiscal Note 

2019-04-02 No amendments foundIntroduced 
SB19-236Related line extension issues.... amend if needed Amend Friday, May 3 2019
(4) in house calendar.  
Concerning the continuation of the public utilities commission, and, in connection therewith, implementing the recommendations contained in the 2018 sunset report by the department of regulatory agencies and making an appropriation. Sunset Public Utilities Commission L. Garcia (D) | S. Fenberg / C. Hansen (D) | K. Becker  5/30/2019 Governor Signed

Fiscal Note 

2019-04-09 AmendmentsSigned Act 
SB19-237 Oppose Friday, May 3 2019
Upon Adjournment Room 0112
(1) in house calendar.  
Concerning amending the "Colorado Consumer Protection Act" to clarify the damages for which plaintiffs are eligible. Consumer Protection Act Damages R. Rodriguez (D) / D. Roberts (D) 5/3/2019 House Committee on Finance Postpone Indefinitely

Fiscal Note 

2019-04-09 No amendments foundReengrossed 
SB19-255  NOT ON CALENDARConcerning the establishment of the ratio of valuation for assessment for residential real property. Gallagher Amendment Residential Assessment Rate L. Court | J. Tate / L. Herod | D. Esgar  6/3/2019 Governor Signed

Fiscal Note 

2019-04-17 No amendments foundSigned Act