Bill # |
Comments | Position | Short Title | Sponsors | Most Recent Status | Fiscal Note |
HB23-1005 | | Monitor | New Energy Improvement Program Changes | J. Willford (D) | B. Titone (D) / S. Jaquez Lewis (D) | J. Marchman (D) | 3/8/2023 Governor Signed
| Fiscal Note |
HB23-1006 | | Monitor | Employer Notice Of Income Tax Credits | M. Young | L. Daugherty (D) / T. Exum (D) | 3/31/2023 Governor Signed
| Fiscal Note |
HB23-1010 | | Support | Task Force On High-altitude Water Storage | B. McLachlan / J. Bridges (D) | C. Simpson (R) | 1/23/2023 House Committee on Agriculture, Water & Natural Resources Postpone Indefinitely
| Fiscal Note |
HB23-1018 | | Support | Timber Industry Incentives | M. Lynch / C. Simpson (R) | 5/11/2023 House Committee on Appropriations Lay Over Unamended - Amendment(s) Failed
| Fiscal Note |
HB23-1023 | | Support | Special District Construction Contracts | W. Lindstedt (D) | D. Wilson / D. Roberts (D) | B. Gardner | 3/17/2023 Governor Signed
| Fiscal Note |
HB23-1035 | | Monitor | Statute Of Limitations Minimum Wage Violations | M. Soper (R) | 2/14/2023 House Committee on Judiciary Postpone Indefinitely
| Fiscal Note |
HB23-1039 | | Support | Electric Resource Adequacy Reporting | S. Bird (D) / R. Rodriguez (D) | F. Winter (D) | 4/25/2023 Governor Signed
| Fiscal Note |
HB23-1054 | | Monitor | Property Valuation | L. Frizell (R) / B. Pelton (R) | 3/9/2023 House Committee on Finance Postpone Indefinitely
| Fiscal Note |
HB23-1062 | | | Metropolitan District Tax For Parks And Recreation | T. Mauro (D) / N. Hinrichsen (D) | 4/17/2023 Governor Signed
| Fiscal Note |
HB23-1065 | | Monitor | Local Government Independent Ethics Commission | T. Story (D) | J. Parenti / J. Marchman (D) | 5/5/2023 Senate Second Reading Special Order - Laid Over Daily - No Amendments
| Fiscal Note |
HB23-1066 | | Monitor | Public Access Landlocked Publicly Owned Land | B. Bradley (R) | E. Velasco (D) / K. Priola | 5/7/2023 Senate Committee on Appropriations Postpone Indefinitely
| Fiscal Note |
HB23-1068 | | Oppose | Pet Animal Ownership In Housing | A. Valdez (D) / F. Winter (D) | S. Jaquez Lewis (D) | 6/7/2023 Governor Signed
| Fiscal Note |
HB23-1075 | | Amend | Wildfire Evacuation And Clearance Time Modeling | M. Snyder (D) | J. Joseph (D) / T. Exum (D) | 5/15/2023 Governor Signed
| Fiscal Note |
HB23-1076 | | | Workers' Compensation | L. Daugherty (D) / J. Marchman (D) | 6/5/2023 Governor Signed
| Fiscal Note |
HB23-1078 | | Oppose | Unemployment Compensation Dependent Allowance | J. Willford (D) | S. Gonzales-Gutierrez / C. Hansen (D) | 5/2/2023 Senate Committee on Business, Labor, & Technology Postpone Indefinitely
| Fiscal Note |
HB23-1080 | | | Reliable Alternative Energy Sources | T. Winter (R) / B. Pelton (R) | 3/29/2023 House Committee on Energy & Environment Postpone Indefinitely
| Fiscal Note |
HB23-1085 | | Support | Rural County and Municipality Energy Efficient Building Codes | M. Martinez (D) / C. Simpson (R) | 2/23/2023 House Committee on Energy & Environment Postpone Indefinitely
| Fiscal Note |
HB23-1090 | | Oppose | Limit Metropolitan District Director Conflicts | M. Weissman (D) / R. Rodriguez (D) | 3/28/2023 Senate Committee on Local Government & Housing Postpone Indefinitely
| Fiscal Note |
HB23-1095 | | Oppose | Prohibited Provisions In Rental Agreements | S. Woodrow (D) | M. Lindsay (D) / N. Hinrichsen (D) | F. Winter (D) | 6/5/2023 Governor Signed
| Fiscal Note |
HB23-1096 | | Support | Wildfire Resilient Homes | M. Snyder (D) | 2/27/2023 House Committee on Agriculture, Water & Natural Resources Postpone Indefinitely
| Fiscal Note |
HB23-1099 | | Monitor | Portable Screening Report For Residential Leases | S. Vigil | M. Weissman (D) / R. Fields | T. Exum (D) | 5/4/2023 Governor Signed
| Fiscal Note |
HB23-1105 | | Amend | Homeowners' Association And Metropolitan District Homeowners' Rights Task Forces | J. Parenti | B. Titone (D) / L. Cutter (D) | R. Fields | 5/24/2023 Governor Signed
| Fiscal Note |
HB23-1113 | | | County Impact Notes By Legislative Council | E. Hamrick (D) | L. Frizell (R) | 2/14/2023 House Committee on Transportation, Housing & Local Government Postpone Indefinitely
| Fiscal Note |
HB23-1115 | | Oppose | Repeal Prohibition Local Residential Rent Control | J. Mabrey (D) | E. Velasco (D) / R. Rodriguez (D) | 4/25/2023 Senate Committee on Local Government & Housing Postpone Indefinitely
| Fiscal Note |
HB23-1118 | | Oppose | Fair Workweek Employment Standards | E. Sirota (D) | S. Gonzales-Gutierrez / J. Gonzales (D) | F. Winter (D) | 3/2/2023 House Committee on Business Affairs & Labor Postpone Indefinitely
| Fiscal Note |
HB23-1120 | | Oppose | Eviction Protections For Residential Tenants | J. Joseph (D) | D. Ortiz / R. Fields | F. Winter (D) | 6/6/2023 Governor Signed
| Fiscal Note |
HB23-1131 | | Monitor | Majority Of Unit Owners Required For Home Owners' Association Budgets | R. Weinberg (R) | 2/14/2023 House Committee on Transportation, Housing & Local Government Postpone Indefinitely
| Fiscal Note |
HB23-1134 | | Monitor | Require Electric Options In Home Warranties | J. Joseph (D) | C. Kipp (D) / L. Cutter (D) | 3/31/2023 Governor Signed
| Fiscal Note |
HB23-1152 | | Monitor | Prohibit Foreign Ownership Agricultural and Natural Resources | B. Bradley (R) | 2/23/2023 House Committee on State, Civic, Military, & Veterans Affairs Postpone Indefinitely
| Fiscal Note |
HB23-1154 | | Monitor | Ballot Issue Greenhouse Gas Emissions Report | A. Valdez (D) | 3/9/2023 House Committee on State, Civic, Military, & Veterans Affairs Postpone Indefinitely
| Fiscal Note |
HB23-1161 | | Amend | Environmental Standards For Appliances | C. Kipp (D) | J. Willford (D) / L. Cutter (D) | F. Winter (D) | 6/1/2023 Governor Signed
| Fiscal Note |
HB23-1171 | | Oppose | Just Cause Requirement Eviction Of Residential Tenant | J. Mabrey (D) | S. Gonzales-Gutierrez / J. Gonzales (D) | N. Hinrichsen (D) | 5/7/2023 Senate Second Reading Special Order - Laid Over Daily - No Amendments
| Fiscal Note |
HB23-1174 | | Monitor | Homeowner's Insurance Underinsurance | J. Amabile (D) | K. Brown (D) / M. Baisley (R) | D. Roberts (D) | 5/12/2023 Governor Signed
| Fiscal Note |
HB23-1184 | | Monitor | Low-income Housing Property Tax Exemptions | W. Lindstedt (D) | L. Frizell (R) / D. Roberts (D) | 5/25/2023 Governor Signed
| Fiscal Note |
HB23-1189 | VERY low amounts but not harmful. Support our friends. | Support | Employer Assistance For Home Purchase Tax Credit | S. Bird (D) | R. Weinberg (R) / R. Zenzinger | K. Mullica (D) | 6/7/2023 Governor Signed
| Fiscal Note |
HB23-1190 | | Oppose | Affordable Housing Right Of First Refusal | A. Boesenecker (D) | E. Sirota (D) / F. Winter (D) | S. Jaquez Lewis (D) | 6/6/2023 Governor Vetoed
| Fiscal Note |
HB23-1192 | Remove ALL of Weissman's additions. Ask AG for help. | Oppose | Additional Protections In Consumer Code | M. Weissman (D) / J. Gonzales (D) | R. Rodriguez (D) | 6/7/2023 Governor Signed
| Fiscal Note |
HB23-1210 | FYI only | | Carbon Management | R. Dickson / C. Hansen (D) | K. Priola | 5/22/2023 Governor Signed
| Fiscal Note |
HB23-1212 | FYI only | | Promotion Of Apprenticeships | E. Hamrick (D) | S. Lieder (D) / C. Kolker (D) | J. Danielson (D) | 5/16/2023 Governor Signed
| Fiscal Note |
HB23-1220 | FYI Only | | Study Republican River Groundwater Economic Impact | R. Holtorf | K. McCormick (D) / B. Pelton (R) | R. Pelton (R) | 6/3/2023 Governor Signed
| Fiscal Note |
HB23-1221 | | Support | Water Quality Data Standards | M. Soper (R) | T. Mauro (D) / C. Simpson (R) | 5/11/2023 House Committee on Appropriations Lay Over Unamended - Amendment(s) Failed
| Fiscal Note |
HB23-1229 | | Monitor | Amending Terms Consumer Lending Laws | M. Weissman (D) | J. Mabrey (D) / J. Gonzales (D) | 6/5/2023 Governor Signed
| Fiscal Note |
HB23-1232 | FYI only | | Extend Housing Toolkit Time Frame | J. McCluskie (D) | I. Jodeh (D) / D. Roberts (D) | 5/17/2023 Governor Signed
| Fiscal Note |
HB23-1233 | | Amend | Electric Vehicle Charging And Parking Requirements | T. Mauro (D) | A. Valdez (D) / K. Priola | F. Winter (D) | 5/23/2023 Governor Signed
| Fiscal Note |
HB23-1234 | | Monitor | Streamlined Solar Permitting And Inspection Grants | K. Brown (D) | M. Soper (R) / D. Roberts (D) | P. Will | 5/11/2023 Governor Signed
| Fiscal Note |
HB23-1240 | | Support | Sales Use Tax Exemption Wildfire Disaster Construction | K. Brown (D) | J. Amabile (D) / S. Fenberg | 5/12/2023 Governor Signed
| Fiscal Note |
HB23-1242 | Take and look and review language on other produced water. | | Water Conservation In Oil And Gas Operations | A. Boesenecker (D) | J. Joseph (D) / L. Cutter (D) | K. Priola | 6/7/2023 Governor Signed
| Fiscal Note |
HB23-1246 | | Support | Support In-demand Career Workforce | J. McCluskie (D) | R. Pugliese (R) / J. Buckner (D) | P. Will | 5/16/2023 Governor Signed
| Fiscal Note |
HB23-1250 | | | Attorney General Jurisdiction Regulate Architects | R. Pugliese (R) / B. Pelton (R) | 6/7/2023 Governor Signed
| Fiscal Note |
HB23-1252 | FYI | | Thermal Energy | S. Lieder (D) | C. Kipp (D) / T. Exum (D) | C. Hansen (D) | 5/11/2023 Governor Signed
| Fiscal Note |
HB23-1253 | | Monitor | Task Force To Study Corporate Housing Ownership | S. Sharbini | M. Lindsay (D) / N. Hinrichsen (D) | 6/7/2023 Governor Signed
| Fiscal Note |
HB23-1254 | Group will work on amendment ideas. | Monitor | Habitability of Residential Premises | K. Brown (D) | J. Mabrey (D) / L. Cutter (D) | 5/12/2023 Governor Signed
| Fiscal Note |
HB23-1255 | | Support | Regulating Local Housing Growth Restrictions | W. Lindstedt (D) | R. Dickson / J. Gonzales (D) | 6/7/2023 Governor Signed
| Fiscal Note |
HB23-1259 | FYI only | | Open Meetings Law Executive Session Violations | L. Daugherty (D) | G. Evans / R. Zenzinger | C. Simpson (R) | 6/6/2023 Governor Vetoed
| Fiscal Note |
HB23-1273 | | Support | Creation Of Wildfire Resilient Homes Grant Program | M. Snyder (D) | J. Joseph (D) / D. Roberts (D) | 5/12/2023 Governor Signed
| Fiscal Note |
HB23-1288 | | Monitor | Fair Access To Insurance Requirements Plan | J. McCluskie (D) | J. Amabile (D) / D. Roberts (D) | 5/12/2023 Governor Signed
| Fiscal Note |
HB23-1294 | | Monitor | Pollution Protection Measures | J. Bacon (D) | J. Willford (D) / F. Winter (D) | J. Gonzales (D) | 6/6/2023 Governor Signed
| Fiscal Note |
HB23-1296 | | | Create Task Force Study Rights Persons Disabilities | D. Ortiz | L. Herod / F. Winter (D) | 5/25/2023 Governor Signed
| Fiscal Note |
HB23-1302 | | Oppose | Housing Accessibility | D. Ortiz | S. Lieder (D) | 4/25/2023 House Committee on Transportation, Housing & Local Government Postpone Indefinitely
| Fiscal Note |
HB23-1304 | | Monitor | Proposition 123 Affordable Housing Programs | J. McCluskie (D) | L. Frizell (R) / D. Roberts (D) | T. Exum (D) | 6/5/2023 Governor Signed
| Fiscal Note |
HB23-1311 | | | Identical Temporary TABOR Refund | C. deGruy Kennedy | M. Weissman (D) / C. Hansen (D) | N. Hinrichsen (D) | 5/24/2023 Governor Signed
| Fiscal Note |
SB23-001 | | Support | Authority Of Public-private Collaboration Unit For Housing | D. Roberts (D) | R. Zenzinger / S. Bird (D) | M. Lukens (D) | 5/20/2023 Governor Signed
| Fiscal Note |
SB23-005 | | Support | Forestry And Wildfire Mitigation Workforce | S. Jaquez Lewis (D) | L. Cutter (D) / M. Lynch | M. Snyder (D) | 5/12/2023 Governor Signed
| Fiscal Note |
SB23-016 | | Oppose | Greenhouse Gas Emission Reduction Measures | C. Hansen (D) / K. McCormick (D) | E. Sirota (D) | 5/11/2023 Governor Signed
| Fiscal Note |
SB23-017 | Employment attorneys are analyzing if it actually would ADD ON to FAMLI. | | Additional Uses Paid Sick Leave | F. Winter (D) / J. Willford (D) | J. Joseph (D) | 6/2/2023 Governor Signed
| Fiscal Note |
SB23-032 | | Support | Wildfire Detection Technology Pilot Program | C. Simpson (R) | J. Ginal / M. Lynch | J. Joseph (D) | 5/11/2023 House Committee on Appropriations Lay Over Unamended - Amendment(s) Failed
| Fiscal Note |
SB23-035 | Get more intel and bring back to next meeting. | | Middle-income Housing Authority Act | J. Bridges (D) | D. Moreno / L. Herod | J. Joseph (D) | 6/2/2023 Governor Signed
| Fiscal Note |
SB23-046 | | Monitor | Average Weekly Wage Paid Leave Benefits | F. Winter (D) / M. Duran (D) | 3/23/2023 Governor Signed
| Fiscal Note |
SB23-047 | Title companies, Realtors and banking all have concerns. | Oppose | Confirmed Funds For Closing And Settlement Process | K. Van Winkle (R) | 2/9/2023 Senate Committee on Business, Labor, & Technology Postpone Indefinitely
| Fiscal Note |
SB23-052 | | Monitor | Municipal Priority Lien Surviving Treasurer's Deed | N. Hinrichsen (D) / M. Martinez (D) | T. Mauro (D) | 4/3/2023 Governor Signed
| Fiscal Note |
SB23-057 | | Monitor | County Treasurer No Longer Ex Officio District Treasurer | J. Rich (R) / R. Taggart (R) | 4/3/2023 Governor Signed
| Fiscal Note |
SB23-065 | | Support | Career Development Success Program | P. Lundeen (R) | J. Bridges (D) / S. Bird (D) | D. Wilson | 5/16/2023 Governor Signed
| Fiscal Note |
SB23-067 | | Monitor | Participant Facilitated Recidivism Reduction Program | J. Coleman (D) / J. Bacon (D) | R. Holtorf | 6/2/2023 Governor Signed
| Fiscal Note |
SB23-077 | | Support | Restrictions On Broker Engagement Contracts | N. Hinrichsen (D) / M. Froelich (D) | R. Taggart (R) | 4/3/2023 Governor Signed
| Fiscal Note |
SB23-105 | | Monitor | Ensure Equal Pay For Equal Work | J. Danielson (D) | J. Buckner (D) / S. Gonzales-Gutierrez | J. Bacon (D) | 6/5/2023 Governor Signed
| Fiscal Note |
SB23-108 | | Monitor | Allowing Temporary Reductions In Property Tax Due | M. Baisley (R) | F. Winter (D) / R. Pugliese (R) | L. Frizell (R) | 6/5/2023 Governor Signed
| Fiscal Note |
SB23-110 | | Support | Transparency For Metropolitan Districts | J. Marchman (D) | R. Zenzinger / C. Kipp (D) | R. Taggart (R) | 4/3/2023 Governor Signed
| Fiscal Note |
SB23-146 | FYI only | | Colorado Apprenticeship Directory Information | J. Danielson (D) / S. Lieder (D) | R. English (D) | 4/17/2023 Governor Signed
| Fiscal Note |
SB23-166 | | Amend | Establishment Of A Wildfire Resiliency Code Board | L. Cutter (D) | T. Exum (D) / M. Froelich (D) | E. Velasco (D) | 5/12/2023 Governor Signed
| Fiscal Note |
SB23-172 | | Oppose | Protecting Opportunities And Workers' Rights Act | F. Winter (D) | J. Gonzales (D) / M. Weissman (D) | J. Bacon (D) | 6/6/2023 Governor Signed
| Fiscal Note |
SB23-175 | | Monitor | Financing Of Downtown Development Authority Projects | S. Jaquez Lewis (D) | J. Rich (R) / A. Boesenecker (D) | R. Taggart (R) | 6/2/2023 Governor Signed
| Fiscal Note |
SB23-177 | FYI only | | 2023 Colorado Water Conservation Board Water Projects Appropriations | D. Roberts (D) | C. Simpson (R) / K. McCormick (D) | M. Catlin (R) | 6/5/2023 Governor Signed
| Fiscal Note |
SB23-178 | | Monitor | Water-wise Landscaping In Homeowners' Association Communities | S. Jaquez Lewis (D) | P. Will / K. McCormick (D) | M. Lindsay (D) | 5/17/2023 Governor Signed
| Fiscal Note |
SB23-184 | | Oppose | Protections For Residential Tenants | F. Winter (D) | T. Exum (D) / M. Froelich (D) | L. Garcia (D) | 6/6/2023 Governor Signed
| Fiscal Note |
SB23-196 | | Support | Income Tax Credit For Retrofitting A Home For Health Reasons | F. Winter (D) / M. Young | N. Ricks (D) | 5/30/2023 Governor Signed
| Fiscal Note |
SB23-198 | | Monitor | Clean Energy Plans | F. Winter (D) | L. Cutter (D) / M. Weissman (D) | W. Lindstedt (D) | 6/5/2023 Governor Signed
| Fiscal Note |
SB23-201 | FYI | | Mineral Resources Property Owners' Rights | S. Jaquez Lewis (D) / A. Boesenecker (D) | M. Weissman (D) | 4/20/2023 Senate Committee on Agriculture & Natural Resources Postpone Indefinitely
| Fiscal Note |
SB23-206 | Revisit next meeting. | Monitor | Disclose Radon Information Residential Property | F. Winter (D) / D. Michaelson Jenet (D) | E. Sirota (D) | 6/5/2023 Governor Signed
| Fiscal Note |
SB23-213 | Oppose unless returned to Senate version | Oppose | Land Use | D. Moreno / I. Jodeh (D) | S. Woodrow (D) | 5/6/2023 Senate Considered House Amendments - Result was to Laid Over Daily
| Fiscal Note |
SB23-268 | FYI | | Ten-year Transportation Plan Information | K. Mullica (D) | B. Kirkmeyer (R) / S. Bird (D) | R. Bockenfeld | 6/6/2023 Governor Signed
| Fiscal Note |
SB23-270 | Moved to Monitor with change to only minor restoration projects 4-21-2023 | Monitor | Projects To Restore Natural Stream Systems | D. Roberts (D) | C. Simpson (R) / K. McCormick (D) | M. Catlin (R) | 6/5/2023 Governor Signed
| Fiscal Note |
SB23-273 | | Oppose | Agricultural Land In Urban Renewal Areas | J. Marchman (D) / A. Boesenecker (D) | 5/23/2023 Governor Vetoed
| Fiscal Note |
SB23-274 | | Monitor | Water Quality Control Fee-setting By Rule | F. Winter (D) / R. Dickson | W. Lindstedt (D) | 5/17/2023 Governor Signed
| Fiscal Note |
SB23-280 | | Oppose | Hazardous Material Mitigation | K. Mullica (D) / M. Snyder (D) | 6/6/2023 Governor Signed
| Fiscal Note |
SB23-285 | | Neutral | Energy And Carbon Management Regulation In Colorado | K. Priola | C. Hansen (D) / K. McCormick (D) | R. Dickson | 5/22/2023 Governor Signed
| Fiscal Note |
SB23-291 | | Oppose | Utility Regulation | S. Fenberg | L. Cutter (D) / C. deGruy Kennedy | M. Martinez (D) | 5/11/2023 Governor Signed
| Fiscal Note |
SB23-292 | | | Labor Requirements For Energy Sector Construction | C. Hansen (D) | S. Fenberg / M. Duran (D) | S. Bird (D) | 5/23/2023 Governor Signed
| Fiscal Note |
SB23-303 | | Amend | Reduce Property Taxes And Voter-approved Revenue Change | S. Fenberg | C. Hansen (D) / C. deGruy Kennedy | M. Weissman (D) | 5/24/2023 Governor Signed
| Fiscal Note |
SB23-304 | | Amend | Property Tax Valuation | C. Hansen (D) | S. Fenberg / B. Marshall (D) | S. Bird (D) | 5/24/2023 Governor Signed
| Fiscal Note |
SB23-305 | | | Property Tax Task Force | B. Pelton (R) / R. Pugliese (R) | 5/4/2023 Senate Committee on Finance Postpone Indefinitely
| Fiscal Note |