Tracking Slate
Bill # PositionShort TitleMost Recent StatusFiscal NoteDate IntroducedHouse SponsorsSenate Sponsors
HB24-1002Support Social Work Licensure Compact 6/3/2024 Governor Signed

Fiscal Note 

2024-01-10 Sirota and Martinez- Marchman and Rich-- 
HB24-1003Support Opiate Antagonists and Detection Products in Schools 4/22/2024 Governor Signed

Fiscal Note 

2024-01-10 McLachlan and Young- Simpson and Michaelson Jenet-- 
HB24-1004Monitor Ex-Offenders Practice in Regulated Occupations 6/4/2024 Governor Signed

Fiscal Note 

2024-01-10 Bacon and Bird- Coleman-- 
HB24-1010Support Insurance Coverage for Provider-Administered Drugs 5/17/2024 Governor Vetoed

Fiscal Note 

2024-01-10 Jodeh and Soper, Hartsook- Michaelson Jenet-- 
HB24-1015Support Workplace Suicide Prevention Education 5/14/2024 House Committee on Appropriations Lay Over Unamended - Amendment(s) Failed

Fiscal Note 

2024-01-10 Vigil- Michaelson Jenet-- 
HB24-1017Monitor Bill of Rights for Foster Youth 4/24/2024 Governor Signed

Fiscal Note 

2024-01-10 Daugherty- -- 
HB24-1019Support Crisis Resolution Team Program 5/14/2024 House Committee on Appropriations Lay Over Unamended - Amendment(s) Failed

Fiscal Note 

2024-01-10 Bradfield and Amabile, English- Fields and Pelton R., Rodriguez-- 
HB24-1028Support Overdose Prevention Centers 4/18/2024 Senate Committee on Health & Human Services Postpone Indefinitely

Fiscal Note 

2024-01-10 Epps- Priola-- 
HB24-1034Support Adult Competency to Stand Trial 6/4/2024 Governor Signed

Fiscal Note 

2024-01-10 Amabile and Bradfield, English- Fields, Rodriguez-- 
HB24-1037Support Substance Use Disorders Harm Reduction 6/6/2024 Governor Signed

Fiscal Note 

2024-01-10 Epps and deGruy Kennedy, Young- Priola, Jaquez Lewis-- 
HB24-1038Monitor High-Acuity Crisis for Children & Youth 6/6/2024 Governor Signed

Fiscal Note 

2024-01-10 Young and Bradley, Duran, Evans, Froelich, Joseph, Pugliese- Kirkmeyer and Fields, Michaelson Jenet, Zenzinger-- 
HB24-1045Support Treatment for Substance Use Disorders 6/6/2024 Governor Signed

Fiscal Note 

2024-01-10 Armagost and deGruy Kennedy, Young- Mullica and Will, Jaquez Lewis, Priola-- 
HB24-1046Support Child Welfare System Tools 5/28/2024 Governor Signed

Fiscal Note 

2024-01-10 Duran and Evans, Bradley, Froelich, Joseph, Pugliese, Young- Kolker and Kirkmeyer, Fields, Michaelson Jenet, Zenzinger-- 
HB24-1049Neutral School Mental Health Professional Loan Repayment Program 2/15/2024 House Committee on Education Postpone Indefinitely

Fiscal Note 

2024-01-10 Weinberg and Vigil- Marchman and Winter F.-- 
HB24-1054Support Jail Standards Commission Recommendations 6/3/2024 Governor Signed

Fiscal Note 

2024-01-10 Amabile and Garcia- Fields and Coleman-- 
HB24-1066Amend Prevent Workplace Violence in Health-Care Settings 5/14/2024 House Committee on Appropriations Lay Over Unamended - Amendment(s) Failed

Fiscal Note 

2024-01-10 Hamrick and Garcia- Michaelson Jenet and Gonzales-- 
HB24-1079Support Persons Detained in Jail on Emergency Commitment 5/17/2024 Governor Signed

Fiscal Note 

2024-01-10 Amabile and English, Bradfield- Fields-- 
HB24-1081Support Regulate Sale Transfer Sodium Nitrite 4/17/2024 Governor Signed

Fiscal Note 

2024-01-10 Amabile and Catlin- Roberts and Pelton B.-- 
HB24-1086Monitor Operation of Denver Health & Hospital Authority 4/4/2024 Governor Signed

Fiscal Note 

2024-01-10 Holtorf and Amabile- -- 
HB24-1096Monitor School Psychologist Licensure Interstate Compact 4/29/2024 Governor Signed

Fiscal Note 

2024-01-24 Young and Lukens- Kolker and Marchman-- 
HB24-1097Support Military Family Occupational Credentialing 4/17/2024 Governor Signed

Fiscal Note 

2024-01-24 Taggart and Weissman- Fields and Gardner-- 
HB24-1126Oppose Substance Use Disorder Treatment as Bond Condition 2/27/2024 House Committee on Judiciary Postpone Indefinitely

Fiscal Note 

2024-01-29 Lynch- Pelton B.-- 
HB24-1136Support Healthier Social Media Use by Youth 6/6/2024 Governor Signed

Fiscal Note 

2024-01-29 Pugliese and Amabile- Cutter and Smallwood-- 
HB24-1146Support Medicaid Provider Suspension for Organized Fraud 2/20/2024 Governor Signed

Fiscal Note 

2024-01-29 Bird and Taggart, Sirota- Bridges and Zenzinger, Kirkmeyer-- 
HB24-1149Support Prior Authorization Requirements Alternatives 6/3/2024 Governor Signed

Fiscal Note 

2024-01-30 Bird and Frizell, Amabile, Armagost, Bacon, Boesenecker, Bottoms, Bradfield, Clifford,deGruy Kennedy, Duran, English, Froelich, Garcia, Hamrick, Hartsook, Hernandez, Jodeh,Kipp, Lieder, Lindstedt, Mabrey, McLachlan, Ortiz, Rutinel, Sirota, Snyder, Soper, Taggart,Titone, Valdez, Velasco, Weinberg, Willford, Wilson, Young- Roberts and Kirkmeyer, Ginal, Baisley, Bridges, Buckner, Coleman, Cutter, Gonzales,Hansen, Hinrichsen, Kolker, Liston, Marchman, Michaelson Jenet, Mullica, Pelton R., Rich,Van Winkle, Will, Winter F., Zenzinger-- 
HB24-1176Strongly Support Behavioral Health Grant for Capital Project 5/24/2024 Governor Signed

Fiscal Note 

2024-01-31 Hamrick and Jodeh, Clifford, Froelich, Lindsay, Ricks, Weissman- Buckner and Fields, Kolker, Michaelson Jenet, Sullivan-- 
HB24-1217Support Sharing of Patient Health-Care Information 5/28/2024 Governor Signed

Fiscal Note 

2024-02-05 Amabile- -- 
HB24-1252Support Sunset Suicide Prevention Commission 5/31/2024 Governor Signed

Fiscal Note 

2024-02-12 Vigil and Bradfield- Michaelson Jenet-- 
HB24-1277Support Sunset Youth Restraint & Seclusion Working Group 4/19/2024 Governor Signed

Fiscal Note 

2024-02-13 Daugherty and Holtorf, Brown, Lieder, Young- Gonzales-- 
HB24-1306Oppose Increase Penalty Possession of Synthetic Opiates 3/6/2024 House Committee on Judiciary Postpone Indefinitely

Fiscal Note 

2024-02-14 Lynch- Pelton B.-- 
HB24-1322Support Medicaid Coverage Housing & Nutrition Services 5/31/2024 Governor Signed

Fiscal Note 

2024-02-20 Brown and Bird- Kirkmeyer and Rodriguez-- 
HB24-1355Support Measures to Reduce the Competency Wait List 6/6/2024 Governor Signed

Fiscal Note 

2024-03-04 Mabrey and Amabile- -- 
HB24-1384Actively Support Certified Community Behavioral Health Clinics 6/7/2024 Governor Signed

Fiscal Note 

2024-03-25 Bird and Sirota, Taggart- Zenzinger and Kirkmeyer, Bridges-- 
HB24-1400Support Medicaid Eligibility Procedures 4/18/2024 Governor Signed

Fiscal Note 

2024-03-25 Bird and Sirota, Taggart- Kirkmeyer and Zenzinger, Bridges-- 
HB24-1406Support School-Based Mental Health Support Program 4/18/2024 Governor Signed

Fiscal Note 

2024-03-25 Bird and Taggart, Sirota- Bridges and Kirkmeyer, Zenzinger-- 
HB24-1471Support Electroconvulsive Treatment for Minors 6/3/2024 Governor Signed

Fiscal Note 

2024-05-02 Young and Bradfield- Michaelson Jenet-- 
SB24-001Support Continue Youth Mental Health Services Program 6/4/2024 Governor Signed

Fiscal Note 

2024-01-10 Brown- Michaelson Jenet-- 
SB24-006Support Pretrial Diversion Programs 3/22/2024 Governor Signed

Fiscal Note 

2024-01-10 English and Bradfield, Amabile- Rodriguez and Fields-- 
SB24-007Actively Support Behavioral Health First Aid Training Program 6/5/2024 Governor Signed

Fiscal Note 

2024-01-10 Titone- Fields and Michaelson Jenet-- 
SB24-015Support Licensed Professional Counselors in Communities 2/20/2024 Senate Committee on Finance Refer Unamended to Appropriations

Fiscal Note 

2024-01-10 Young- Kolker-- 
SB24-018Support Physician Assistant Licensure Compact 6/7/2024 Governor Signed

Fiscal Note 

2024-01-10 Amabile and Winter T.- Simpson and Michaelson Jenet-- 
SB24-029Monitor Study Metrics to Measure Criminal Justice System Success 3/6/2024 Governor Became Law

Fiscal Note 

2024-01-10 Amabile, Martinez- Gonzales and Rodriguez-- 
SB24-034Support Increase Access to School-Based Health Care 6/5/2024 Governor Signed

Fiscal Note 

2024-01-10 Garcia- Marchman and Kolker-- 
SB24-047Support Prevention of Substance Use Disorders 6/6/2024 Governor Signed

Fiscal Note 

2024-01-12 Young and Epps, Kipp- Jaquez Lewis and Priola-- 
SB24-048Support Substance Use Disorders Recovery 6/5/2024 Governor Signed

Fiscal Note 

2024-01-12 deGruy Kennedy and Lynch, Epps- Priola, Jaquez Lewis-- 
SB24-052Support Ongoing Funding for 911 Resource Center 1/29/2024 Senate Committee on Judiciary Refer Amended to Appropriations

Fiscal Note 

2024-01-17 English, Amabile- Fields, Rodriguez-- 
SB24-055Strongly Support Agricultural & Rural Behavioral Health Care 6/6/2024 Governor Signed

Fiscal Note 

2024-01-17 Lukens and Hartsook- Marchman and Will-- 
SB24-057Amend Agricultural Workforce & Suicide Prevention 2/7/2024 Senate Committee on Health & Human Services Refer Amended to Appropriations

Fiscal Note 

2024-01-17 Froelich and Amabile- Sullivan-- 
SB24-059Support Children's Behavioral Health Statewide System of Care 5/2/2024 House Committee on Health & Human Services Postpone Indefinitely

Fiscal Note 

2024-01-17 Duran and Pugliese, Bradley, Evans, Froelich, Joseph, Young- Kirkmeyer and Michaelson Jenet, Fields, Pelton B., Zenzinger-- 
SB24-063Monitor Confidentiality of Group Peer Support Services 3/22/2024 Governor Signed

Fiscal Note 

2024-01-19 Taggart- Rich and Coleman-- 
SB24-080Support Transparency in Health-Care Coverage 6/5/2024 Governor Signed

Fiscal Note 

2024-01-22 Young- Fields and Jaquez Lewis-- 
SB24-082Monitor Patient's Right to Provider Identification 2/29/2024 Senate Committee on Health & Human Services Postpone Indefinitely

Fiscal Note 

2024-01-22 Weinberg, Brown, Hartsook, Herod- Liston, Ginal, Kirkmeyer, Michaelson Jenet, Rich, Roberts-- 
SB24-110Support Medicaid Prior Authorization Prohibition 6/3/2024 Governor Signed

Fiscal Note 

2024-02-05 Rodriguez and Kirkmeyer-- 
SB24-115Support Mental Health Professionals Practice Requirements 5/22/2024 Governor Signed

Fiscal Note 

2024-02-05 Young- Michaelson Jenet-- 
SB24-116Support Discounted Care for Indigent Patients 5/31/2024 Governor Signed

Fiscal Note 

2024-02-05 Jodeh- Buckner-- 
SB24-117Monitor Eating Disorder Treatment & Recovery Programs 6/6/2024 Governor Signed

Fiscal Note 

2024-02-05 deGruy Kennedy- Cutter-- 
SB24-130Support Noneconomic Damages Cap Medical Malpractice Actions 5/7/2024 Senate Second Reading Laid Over to 05/09/2024 - No Amendments

Fiscal Note 

2024-02-07 Brown- Mullica and Will-- 
SB24-141Monitor Out-of-State Telehealth Providers 6/7/2024 Governor Signed

Fiscal Note 

2024-02-07 Van Winkle and Michaelson Jenet-- 
SB24-181Support Alcohol Impact & Recovery Enterprise 5/4/2024 House Committee on Finance Postpone Indefinitely

Fiscal Note 

2024-03-13 deGruy Kennedy and Amabile, Bacon, Brown, Epps, Hernandez, Herod, Kipp, Mabrey,Willford- Priola and Hansen, Winter F., Buckner, Cutter, Exum, Fields, Gonzales, Jaquez Lewis,Marchman, Michaelson Jenet--