Bill # StaffBoard/Policy CommitteePositionShort TitleSponsorsMost Recent Status
HB25-1001Elizabeth Haskell  Amend Enforcement Wage Hour Laws M. Duran (D) | M. Froelich (D) / J. Danielson (D) | C. Kolker (D) 1/30/2025 House Committee on Business Affairs & Labor Refer Unamended to Finance
HB25-1029Bev Stables  Support Municipal Authority over Certain Land A. Boesenecker (D) / C. Kipp (D) 1/29/2025 Introduced In Senate - Assigned to Local Government & Housing
HB25-1030Heather Stauffer  Oppose Accessibility Standards in Building Codes J. Joseph (D) | R. Stewart (D) / L. Cutter (D) | F. Winter (D) 2/7/2025 Introduced In Senate - Assigned to Local Government & Housing
HB25-1031Jeremy Schupbach  Amend Law Enforcement Whistleblower Protection J. Bacon (D) | C. Clifford (D) 1/8/2025 Introduced In House - Assigned to Judiciary
HB25-1032Bev Stables  Amend Improving Infrastructure to Reduce Homelessness M. Rutinel (D) 1/8/2025 Introduced In House - Assigned to Transportation, Housing & Local Government
HB25-1039Bev Stables  Support Commercial Vehicle Muffler Requirements B. Titone (D) | L. Smith (D) / D. Roberts (D) | M. Catlin (R) 1/28/2025 House Committee on Transportation, Housing & Local Government Refer Amended to Appropriations
HB25-1044Bev Stables Postponed Indefinitely 2/12/25 Support Local Funding for Vulnerable Road User Protection A. Boesenecker (D) / F. Winter (D) | L. Cutter (D) 2/12/2025 House Committee on Transportation, Housing & Local Government Postpone Indefinitely
HB25-1051Bev Stables Postponed Indefinitely 2/6/25 Oppose Repeal Recycled Paper Carryout Bag Fee R. Pugliese (R) | R. Gonzalez (R) / B. Pelton (R) 2/6/2025 House Committee on Energy & Environment Postpone Indefinitely
HB25-1056Bev Stables  Oppose Local Government Permitting Wireless Telecommunications Facilities M. Lukens (D) | J. Bacon (D) / D. Roberts (D) | N. Hinrichsen (D) 2/14/2025 House Second Reading Laid Over Daily - No Amendments
HB25-1060Heather Stauffer  Oppose Electronic Fence Detection Systems M. Soper (R) | C. Clifford (D) 1/8/2025 Introduced In House - Assigned to Transportation, Housing & Local Government
HB25-1061Heather Stauffer  Oppose Community Schoolyards Grant Program R. Taggart (R) | J. Bacon (D) / J. Amabile (D) | B. Kirkmeyer (R) 2/13/2025 House Committee on Education Refer Amended to Appropriations
HB25-1067Jeremy Schupbach  Oppose Criminal Asset Forfeiture Act K. DeGraaf (R) / M. Baisley (R) 1/8/2025 Introduced In House - Assigned to Judiciary
HB25-1071Elizabeth Haskell PI In House Finance Feb. 3 Oppose Distribution of State Money L. Suckla (R) / R. Pelton (R) 2/3/2025 House Committee on Finance Postpone Indefinitely
HB25-1077Heather Stauffer  Support Backflow Prevention Devices Requirements S. Lieder (D) | N. Ricks (D) / D. Roberts (D) | J. Rich (R) 2/5/2025 Introduced In Senate - Assigned to Business, Labor, & Technology
HB25-1080Jeremy Schupbach  Support Wireless Telephone Infrastructure Deployment Incentives M. Lukens (D) | M. Soper (R) / N. Hinrichsen (D) 1/13/2025 Introduced In House - Assigned to Business Affairs & Labor
HB25-1093Bev Stables Policy Committee 2/21/25 Oppose Limitations on Local Anti-Growth Land Use Policies R. Stewart (D) | C. Barron (R) / M. Ball (D) 2/14/2025 House Second Reading Special Order - Passed with Amendments - Committee
HB25-1096Bev Stables  Oppose Automated Permits for Clean Energy Technology L. Smith (D) | K. Brown (D) / M. Ball (D) 1/27/2025 Introduced In House - Assigned to Energy & Environment
HB25-1112Jeremy Schupbach  Support Local Authorities Enforce Vehicle Registration B. Titone (D) | E. Hamrick (D) / T. Exum (D) 1/27/2025 Introduced In House - Assigned to Transportation, Housing & Local Government
HB25-1114Jeremy Schupbach Policy Committee: 02/21/2025 Amend Defense Review of Tangible Object for Criminal Trial M. Carter (D) | C. Espenoza (D) / J. Gonzales (D) 2/14/2025 House Second Reading Special Order - Passed with Amendments - Committee, Floor
HB25-1130Elizabeth Haskell Policy Committee Meeting Feb. 21: Board meeting Feb. 28. Amend Labor Requirements for Government Construction Projects M. Carter (D) | M. Duran (D) / J. Danielson (D) 1/28/2025 Introduced In House - Assigned to Business Affairs & Labor
HB25-1144Elizabeth Haskell Policy Committee Feb. 21; Board Meeting Feb 28 Oppose Repeal Retail Delivery Fees D. Woog (R) 1/29/2025 Introduced In House - Assigned to Transportation, Housing & Local Government
HB25-1147Jeremy Schupbach  Amend Fairness & Transparency in Municipal Court J. Mabrey (D) | E. Velasco (D) / J. Amabile (D) | M. Weissman (D) 1/29/2025 Introduced In House - Assigned to Judiciary
HB25-1148Jeremy Schupbach Policy Committee: 02/21/2025 Amend Criminal Protection Order & Protection Order Violation J. Bacon (D) | M. Carter (D) / J. Gonzales (D) 1/29/2025 Introduced In House - Assigned to Judiciary
HB25-1152Heather Stauffer Policy Committee: 02/21/2025 Support Tech Accessibility Liability Contractor L. Garcia Sander (R) | M. Lukens (D) / J. Marchman (D) | B. Kirkmeyer (R) 2/12/2025 Introduced In Senate - Assigned to Education
HB25-1164Jeremy Schupbach Policy Committee 02/21/2025 Oppose Constitutional Carry of Handgun R. Weinberg (R) 2/3/2025 Introduced In House - Assigned to State, Civic, Military, & Veterans Affairs
HB25-1169Bev Stables  Oppose Housing Developments on Faith and Educational Land A. Boesenecker (D) | J. Mabrey (D) / J. Gonzales (D) | T. Exum (D) 2/4/2025 Introduced In House - Assigned to Transportation, Housing & Local Government
HB25-1180Elizabeth Haskell Policy Committee - Feb 21; Board Meeting - Feb 28 Amend Prohibiting Pet Animal Sales in Public Spaces M. Duran (D) | R. Armagost (R) / S. Bright (R) | D. Roberts (D) 2/10/2025 Introduced In House - Assigned to Business Affairs & Labor
HB25-1198Bev Stables Policy Committee: 2/21/25 Amend Regional Planning Roundtable Commission M. Froelich (D) | K. Brown (D) / F. Winter (D) 2/10/2025 Introduced In House - Assigned to Transportation, Housing & Local Government
HB25-1234Jeremy Schupbach Board Meeting: 2/28/25 Oppose Utility Consumer Protection N. Ricks (D) | J. Joseph (D) / F. Winter (D) 2/12/2025 Introduced In House - Assigned to Energy & Environment
HJR25-1004Heather Stauffer  Support Water Project Eligibility Lists K. McCormick (D) | T. Winter (R) / D. Roberts (D) | C. Simpson (R) 2/11/2025 Senate Third Reading Passed - No Amendments
SB25-001Heather Stauffer  Amend Colorado Voting Rights Act J. Gonzales (D) / J. Bacon (D) | J. Joseph (D) 1/8/2025 Introduced In Senate - Assigned to State, Veterans, & Military Affairs
SB25-002Bev Stables  Oppose Regional Building Codes for Factory-Built Structures J. Bridges (D) | T. Exum (D) / A. Boesenecker (D) | R. Stewart (D) 2/6/2025 Senate Committee on Local Government & Housing Refer Amended to Appropriations
SB25-007Heather Stauffer  Support Increase Prescribed Burns L. Cutter (D) | J. Marchman (D) / E. Velasco (D) | R. Weinberg (R) 1/8/2025 Introduced In Senate - Assigned to Agriculture & Natural Resources
SB25-020Bev Stables  Amend Tenant and Landlord Law Enforcement M. Weissman (D) | J. Gonzales (D) / M. Lindsay (D) | J. Mabrey (D) 1/8/2025 Introduced In Senate - Assigned to Judiciary
SB25-023Elizabeth Haskell  Support Local Government Audit Exemption Thresholds R. Pelton (R) | D. Michaelson Jenet (D) / W. Lindstedt (D) 2/6/2025 Introduced In House - Assigned to Transportation, Housing & Local Government
SB25-030Bev Stables  Amend Increase Transportation Mode Choice Reduce Emissions F. Winter (D) | N. Hinrichsen (D) / M. Froelich (D) 1/8/2025 Introduced In Senate - Assigned to Transportation & Energy
SB25-037Heather Stauffer  Amend Coal Transition Grants D. Roberts (D) | B. Kirkmeyer (R) / R. Taggart (R) | T. Mauro (D) 2/14/2025 Senate Committee on Appropriations Refer Unamended to Senate Committee of the Whole
SB25-040Heather Stauffer  Support Future of Severance Taxes & Water Funding Task Force D. Roberts (D) | C. Simpson (R) / K. McCormick (D) | M. Martinez (D) 1/29/2025 Senate Committee on Agriculture & Natural Resources Refer Amended to Appropriations
SB25-046Elizabeth Haskell  Support Local Government Tax Audit Confidentiality Standards J. Bridges (D) | C. Kipp (D) / R. Taggart (R) 2/3/2025 Introduced In House - Assigned to Finance
SB25-062Jeremy Schupbach  Amend Failure to Appear Charges in Municipal Court N. Hinrichsen (D) | M. Weissman (D) / M. Carter (D) | S. Bird (D) 2/11/2025 Introduced In House - Assigned to Judiciary
SB25-068Jeremy Schupbach Policy Committee: 02/21/2025 Support Municipal Utility Unclaimed Utility Deposit Program M. Snyder (D) | P. Lundeen (R) / R. Pugliese (R) | A. Paschal (D) 2/12/2025 Senate Committee on Transportation & Energy Refer Unamended - Consent Calendar to Senate Committee of the Whole
SB25-069Bev Stables Policy Committee: 2/21/25 Amend Tire Chain Traction Control Device Permit M. Catlin (R) | D. Roberts (D) / M. Lukens (D) | E. Velasco (D) 2/12/2025 Senate Committee on Transportation & Energy Refer Amended to Appropriations
SB25-072Elizabeth Haskell Policy Committee Meeting Feb. 21: Board meeting Feb. 28. Amend Regulation of Kratom K. Mullica (D) | B. Pelton (R) / M. Lindsay (D) | M. Soper (R) 2/4/2025 Senate Committee on Finance Refer Amended to Appropriations
SB25-077Heather Stauffer  Amend Modifications to Colorado Open Records Act C. Kipp (D) | J. Rich (R) / M. Carter (D) | M. Soper (R) 1/23/2025 Introduced In Senate - Assigned to State, Veterans, & Military Affairs
SB25-117Bev Stables Policy Committee 2/21/25 Oppose Reduce Transportation Costs Imposed by Government S. Bright (R) 2/4/2025 Introduced In Senate - Assigned to State, Veterans, & Military Affairs
SB25-127Jeremy Schupbach Policy Committee: 2/21/25 Amend Optimizing Colorado Electric Transmission System C. Simpson (R) | D. Roberts (D) 2/5/2025 Introduced In Senate - Assigned to Transportation & Energy
SB25-132Elizabeth Haskell Policy Committee Feb. 21; Board meeting Feb 28. Amend Spirituous Liquor Manufacturer Tastings Conducted J. Marchman (D) | J. Gonzales (D) / M. Soper (R) | B. Titone (D) 2/5/2025 Introduced In Senate - Assigned to Business, Labor, & Technology
SB25-139Bev Stables Policy Committee: 2/21/25 Oppose Grocery & Utility Bill Reduction Measures M. Baisley (R) 2/5/2025 Introduced In Senate - Assigned to State, Veterans, & Military Affairs
SB25-149Bev Stables Policy Committee: 2/21/25 Amend Local Government Duties Equestrian Protections L. Daugherty (D) / L. Feret (D) 2/5/2025 Introduced In Senate - Assigned to Local Government & Housing
SB25-156Bev Stables Policy Committee: 2/21/25 Oppose Reducing Costs of State Regulation J. Rich (R) / R. Keltie (R) 2/5/2025 Introduced In Senate - Assigned to State, Veterans, & Military Affairs
SB25-158Jeremy Schupbach Board Meeting 2/28/25 Amend State Agency Procurement & Disposal Certain Items T. Sullivan (D) | J. Gonzales (D) / M. Froelich (D) | K. Brown (D) 2/5/2025 Introduced In Senate - Assigned to State, Veterans, & Military Affairs
SB25-162Bev Stables Policy Committee: 2/21/25 Support Railroad Safety Requirements L. Cutter (D) | M. Snyder (D) / J. Mabrey (D) | E. Velasco (D) 2/11/2025 Introduced In Senate - Assigned to Transportation & Energy