Amendments for SB24-185
Senate Journal, April 11
After consideration on the merits, the Committee recommends that SB24-185 be amended
as follows, and as so amended, be referred to the Committee of the Whole with favorable
Amend printed bill, page 8, after line 22 insert:
"SECTION 3. Appropriation. (1) For the 2024-25 state fiscal year,
$20,483 is appropriated to the department of Natural Resources. This
appropriation is from the energy and carbon management cash fund created in
section 34-60-122 (5)(a), C.R.S. To implement this act, the department may use
this appropriation for the purchase of legal services.
(2) For the 2024-25 state fiscal year, $20,483 is appropriated to the
department of law. This appropriation is from reappropriated funds received
from the department of natural resources under subsection (1) of this section
and is based on an assumption that the department of law will require an
additional 0.1 FTE. To implement this act, the department of law may use this
appropriation to provide legal services for the department of natural resources.".
Renumber succeeding section accordingly.
Page 1, line 103, strike "COMMISSION." and substitute "COMMISSION, AND, IN
Senate Journal, April 16
SB24-185 by Senator(s) Fenberg; also Representative(s) Amabile--Concerning protections for
unleased mineral interest owners in the pooling of mineral interests by the Colorado energy
and carbon management commission.
Amendment No. 1, Agriculture & Natural Resources Committee Amendment.
(Printed in Senate Journal, April 4, page(s) 701-702 and placed in members' bill files.)
Amendment No. 2, Appropriations Committee Amendment.
(Printed in Senate Journal, April 12, page(s) 825-826 and placed in members' bill files.)
Amendment No. 3(L.003), by Senator Fenberg.
Amend printed bill, page 8, strike line 22 and substitute "COUNTY, CITY AND
As amended, ordered engrossed and placed on the calendar for third reading and final